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Reimbursement Form

Here’s some more tiny-business advice: you should have a reimbursement form.Denied

It’s not that I’m nostalgic for the “Good Old Days” when I was at UC Berkeley: I’m not suggesting you make yourself sign a loyalty oath.  It turns out that keeping track of expenses is hard; reimbursable expenses especially so; and a form is essentially a love letter from past-self to future-self that makes it slightly easier.

Minimally the form should answer the journalistic questions: Who spent the money?  What was it spent on?  Why is it a reimbursable (business-related) expense?  Where was it spent?  When was it spent?  How was payment made?  Attaching a receipt will help answer the basics: that’ll give you the vendor name, address, payment means, and SKUs for the items you purchased.  What a receipt can’t answer, and what a form makes you confront, is the “WHY”.

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